Unknown Unknown Author
Title: How To Make Your Old, Slow Computer Like-New Again (it's easier than you think!)
Author: Unknown
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Clever new device is saving people hundreds (even thousands) and the big computer companies aren't happy about it! Is your computer...

Clever new device is saving people hundreds (even thousands) and the big computer companies aren't happy about it!

Is your computer painfully slow? Have you considered buying a new 'faster' computer but the price of even a basic one makes you cringe? Do you wish there was a cheaper, more affordable way to get a new computer? (Hint: there is – keep reading.)
It's incredibly frustrating when computers slow down or stop working for seemingly no reason at all. And even after all the diagnostics, upgrades, and money spent, the amount of time waiting for that spinning wheel or hourglass to disappear never seems to get any shorter. Your once new, lightning-fast, computer just keeps getting slower as each day passes.
Well, fortunately, there's a new device that has recently hit the market and it's literally giving old, slow computers lightning fast speed again. And to say it's extremely affordable is grossly understated!

What is It?

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